The “Stay at Home Dad”

I am certainly posting this with a large dose of bitterness, so take that into account. My oldest two kiddos are years out of the house and my BABY is 13.

My hubby still claims he is helping out at home rather than working…and he does…a bit.

He does dishes most times, takes the trash to the curb on Wednesdays, vaccums some.

His biggest claim to fame as a stay-at-homer is that he watches our 13 year old daughter. Yes…our THIRTEEN year old, who is technically old enough not only to watch herself, but someone else’s kids, too!

This is the answer to my question of why he can’t get a part time job to just help take the weight off my shoulders a bit.

Over half my life I’ve been the main bread-winner for our family. and for at least a quarter of it I have been the sole bread winner. Yet when I ask him to make dinner, he says “Yeah, you just want a slave.” Realistically, I could pay someone $25 a week and have them do more than he does yet I’m getting flack for creating an indentured servant?

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1 Response to The “Stay at Home Dad”

  1. Jane says:

    I googled “drunk asshole husband” out of anger and frustration and ran across your blog. Wow. Hello! Someone who understands what its like to have an alcoholic husband! Mine just got diagnosed with cirhhosis of the liver (stage 1) and he almost died last year of sepsis (sp?) of the blood. Fun! I’m almost 40, btw. I feel like I look old and haggard….I know I feel old and haggard. Eff alcoholism.

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